Komersial lesen juruterbang
Program untuk Lesen Juruterbang Komersial (CPL) dengan Peringkat Instrumen merangkumi dua fasa latihan. Program CPL ini sesuai untuk pelajar tajaan swasta yang memerlukan lesen juruterbang profesional generik yang mencari pekerjaan di syarikat penerbangan pilihan mereka.
Latihan dijalankan dalam dua fasa.
Our Core Values:
Maintain and uphold highest level of Safety.
Providing Quality Aviation Training Services.
Customer Focus:
Create value for our customers.
We Care:
Enabling our people to grow and excel with us.
Provide Internship opportunities.
Equal Opportunity
Just Culture
Non Disciminatary Practices
Giving back to the Community.
Continually analyzing and looking for ways to improve efficiencies to minimize our impact.
Transitioning to utilizing to more renewable and environmentally friendly materials/resources.
Transparency and accountability.
We promote a collaborative work environment and promote continuous learning and development opportunities.

Our Plans:
To implement hybrid class conducted through mix of in person and remote learning through online platforms.
Exploring potentials for electric trainer aircrafts as the technology develops in this area.
Expect to switch into renewable energy sources such as Solar at our Jandakot WA branch.
Further reduce paper use at Jandakot, WA branch by 30%

Our Existing Initiatives:
Save paper and transport emission by switching to E-Books as well as implementation of online internal exams for our ATPL Ground Training.
Reducing the Training time on GA Aircraft and replacing it with more airliner-based simulator training further enhancement to training through utilisation of Competency Based Training and Assessment (CBTA) principals.
Implementation hybrid work arrangement (Save on Scope 3 emissions)
We conduct Internal Training for Staff and Students on the topic of Suitability as part of promotion drive.
Upgraded our Australian facilities to be more energy efficient via LED lightings in addition to installing water saving systems.
We have integrated ESG considerations into our procurement process.
Hybrid Company Vehicle
Recycling promotion
Switched processes to use electronic forms.
We upcycle our assets to maximise the life of them.
Aerobic treatment system to treat wastewater from the Laundry, Bathroom, Toilet and Kitchen at our Jandakot, WA branch.
Engage with our customers through social media platform.