Minimum age
There is a minimum age of 13 years for all persons seeking the flight experience and a maximum weight of 130kg
Numbers on the Day
This flight experience is for 1 person only, and only the person seeking the experience will be permitted airside. Family and friends are requested to wait in our reception area, though since seating is limited, please discuss any concerns when making the booking.
This experience requires appropriate weather conditions. The flight cannot go ahead if it is very windy or there is low cloud, so please call 24 hours before the booking time to confirm suitability for the flight. If weather is too poor for the flight to go ahead, the flight experience can be re-scheduled at sole discretion of the Singapore Flying College Pte Ltd (SFC). If on the day the weather unexpectedly changes, the booking can, upon agreement of SFC and the person seeking the experience, be re-scheduled.
Dress Code
Closed shoes are required while sunglasses are recommended.
Other Info
The person seeking the experience shall, on placing the booking provide the participant’s name and address.
*Please note the SFC’s processing centre is located overseas, and hence, an international transaction fee may be imposed by customers' banks.
22 Compass Road, Jandakot Airport (Public parking available next door)
Cancellation / Refunds
Bookings cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice will not be re-scheduled. If, the participant does not arrive at the allocated booking time the booking voucher will be cancelled and will not be refunded. SFC will not accept request for refunds of completed services.
Only if SFC makes a significant change to the scheduled flight time or date and are unable to book the person seeking the experience on a new date will there be a refund made.
Sales validity
All trial flight are valid for one year from the date of purchase.
Reserved Rights
Singapore Flying College Pte Ltd reserves the rights to forfeit its obligation to fulfill any service where there is issue with advertised price. If it is found that there is error in in the advertised price after a client has purchased the service, the client has the option to request a refund of the transaction amount and not continue with the purchase or to top up the price differential and continue with the service.
If the client changes the booking date and time an **unrealistic number of times SFC reserves the right to cancel the service without refund.
Singapore Flying College Pte Ltd reserves the right to forfeit its obligation to fulfill any service without refund where it is found that the person seeking the experience or family members is/are aggressive or verbally abusive to any employee of Singapore Flying College Pte Ltd.
**an unrealistic amount is when a booking date/time is changed more than 3x per week, 4 times per month or 5 times per year.